As many students head back to school, it is important to look at important deadlines coming up in the future. It is important to not wait until the last minute for deadlines because that causes stress for students and parents. Here are some of the most important deadlines coming this fall.
Late registration for the September 10, 2022 ACT is still available. Late registration deadline is August 19, 2022. Keep an eye out for the deadlines of the October ACT because that is the last ACT available to submit on college applications.
2022-2023 Test Dates (National)

Late registration for the October 1, 2022 SAT is still available. Late registration deadline is September 20, 2022. This is the last ACT available to submit on college applications.

UC Application
Opens - October 1, 2022
Closes - November 30, 2022
It is important that we start thinking about UC personal insight questions. The UC application must be completed for students who are thinking of applying for undergrad at any of the University of California campuses: Merced, Davis, Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Cruz, or Santa Barbara.
Common Application
Early admission deadline - November 1, 2022
Regular admission deadline - January 1, 2022
Like the UC app, it is important that students start thinking about personal insight questions responses. The Common Application must be completed for students who are thinking of applying to undergrad to any of the common app colleges/universities. See if the school you are interested in needs the common app, here.
If the school that you are thinking of applying to does not appear on the common app, make sure to visit their website for information on how to complete their application.
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